Monday, May 14, 2012

Myth: Bottled water is convenient.

“Bottled Water Myth Versus Reality” - Prepared by The Story of Stuff Project - is a document that exposes the lie in the myth which states "Bottled water is convenient" and explains why is tap water much more beneficial than bottled water, one good reason is nothing beats the convenience of free tap water from your own kitchen, there is nothing convenient about shipping water thousands of miles from its source, plus the effort and the money spend just to dispose this bottles takes away all the so called convenience they say there is.

It does not make sense to pay relatively so much for a product that is available for free. Is absurd to take money out of your pocket and keep recurring to buy bottles of water when you can have one reusable bottle and refill it as much as you want at the same time helping against pollution. I’ll say one of the biggest problem occurs right after drinking the bottle of water, you are left with a plastic that takes over 1000 years to dispose and harms the world in many ways.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Blog Entry 10

In The Meatrex 1, Leo, the young pig, takes the red pill and watch the truth of what has being going on in farms for decades. Leo is introduced into the reality of the problem caused by big corporation farming. Moopheos the cow, explains how this is affecting the local farmers and society which are exposed to pollution and disease caused by the unhealthy condition animals are kept in captivity while farmed.

In the Meatrex 2, Moopheus, Leo and Chickity expose the dark side of the dairy industry to the others animals in farms and start fighting the corporation agents. They also adise how e can join this movement and help to improve this situation farms are in by advising on how to making the world safe for sustainable family farms.

 In the Meatrex 2-1/2, Leo takes us to a processing facility where we learn how how big corporations feed process all this animals. Also, employees inside the factories facilities are exposed to dangerous condition and woke in a fast passed without any concern to their safety or the public whom will consume the product. Leo mentions how this corporation don’t care about problems such like salmonella or mad cow disease and only care to sell and make profit.

Blog Entry 11: (Genetic Engineer)

Genetic Engineer has more cons than pros. It can be dangerous. Is unknown the harm of Genetic Engineer (GE) can cause if not tested correctly. Scientist still cannot determine the effect of introducing DNA of one species into another. Genetic pollution cannot be cleaned up, once released into the environment, genetically engineered organisms cannot be reversed or recalled.