Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Blog Entry 5: "I know the Truth"

I believe humans are easily deceived by rumors and flat out-lies becasue we accept others person's word due to fear of not being accepted with the rest of the group. Also, humans tends to follow the pack, similar behavior is found in other species inside the animal kingdom.

Is a proven fact humans don’t like to be alone. Unconsciously sometime we tend to agree with others just to fit in, to make friends, to be accepted. This can be extrapolated to the example of what happened in Nazi Germany, huge use of misinformation and misleading lies that convinced massively the majority of the population of a wrong ideology, there were some people not completely convinced but still could not express their opinion because of fear, maybe at first just fear of not being looked at the same way by their friends and close ones, thereafter escalated to fear of imprisonment, furthermore fear to death. We all know that history and we all know what happened but learning from that experiences we can see how easy people can be manipulated.

Likewise the behavior found in other species, humans are not an exception to follow the pack and stay inside the group, animals use it as an instinct of survival for example when is being hunted by the predator. Humans also want to survive, let’s say in maintaining their position in society or whatever the reason is and to use it to their own benefit and to improve their well-being in life. Networking with others can lead you on getting a job. Theirs is more chance of success as a group rather than staying behind the pack where the chances of survival will decrease.

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